China Stamps, USA & Worldwide Stamps

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Item Name Price Country of origin
1986 Whole Year Sets Album Chinese and English MNH 51 stamps & 4 S/S
$99.00 China/PRC
1991 Whole Year Sets Album T156-168, J175-185, MNH 61 stamps & 4 S/S
$69.00 China/PRC
1992 Whole Year and much more 猴年/ 鹳/杉树/近海养殖/昆蟲/奥运会/三国演义/石雕/現代科學家
$89.00 China/PRC
1992 Whole Year Sets Album 1992-1 to 1992-20, MNH 49 stamps & 2 S/S
$35.00 China/PRC
1993-I Half of Whole Year and much more 雞年/宋庆龄/野骆驼/东亚运/长白山/水浒/龙门石窟/郑板桥
$189.00 China/PRC
1993-II Half of Whole Year and much more 围棋/竹子/爱国民主人士/毛泽东诞生100年
$125.00 China/PRC
1993 Whole Year Sets Album 1993-1 to 1993-17, MNH 49 stamps & 3 S/S
$80.00 China/PRC
1994 Stamps of Whole Year & More 狗年/鲟魚/宜兴紫砂壶/奥委会100年/ 敦煌/三国演义/古塔
$215.00 China/PRC
1994 Whole Year Sets Album 1994-1 to 1994-21, MNH 66 stamps & 6 S/S
$60.00 China/PRC
1995 Stamps of Whole Year and Much more 豬年/桂花/乒乓赛/中泰建交/香港名勝/孫子兵法
$139.00 China/PRC
1996 Stamps of Whole Year & more 鼠年/冬运会/沈陽故宮/中国汽车/新唐山/敦煌/西夏陵/宇航联
$188.00 China/PRC
1997 Stamps of Whole Year and Much more 牛年/香港回歸/寿山石雕/八屆運動会/黃山/水滸
$123.00 China/PRC
1997 Whole Year Sets Album 1997-1 to 1994-24, MNH 74 stamps & 6 S/S
$85.00 China/PRC
1998 Stamps Whole Year & more 庭园/警察/九寨沟/傣族/海南/神農架/三国演义/炎帝陵/故宮盧浮宮
$215.00 China/PRC
1998 6 Silver Stamps Deng Xiaoping Chief Architect of China Reform 邓小平999银质邮票纪念册
$69.00 China/PRC
2000-2001 Lot of Many 春节/保護野生動物/崂山/君子兰/聊斋志异/武當山/黃果樹/昭陵六骏/全运会/水電站
$120.00 China/PRC
2001 Whole Year Sets Album 2001-1 to 2001-15, 83 stamps & 8 S/S MNH
$80.00 China/PRC
2008 29th Olympic Games Beijing Stamp Album 39 stamps & 4 S/S MNH VF
$149.00 China/PRC
2009 China Stamp Album Chang"an Avenue in Time of Prosperity FDC盛世长安图-共和国60华诞邮票册
$39.00 China/PRC
2009 Jin Yong's Martial Art Works PR China Stamps Collection Album
$149.00 China/PRC
2024 Year of Dragon New Year Sanrio Sheet 2 Packages S/S
$69.00 China/PRC
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